Note identifer Rating Category Note description
A Sea-Intensive Community Ratings that have SSF career paths set to the maximum sea tour lengths allowed by policy, resulting in 216 months or 18 years on sea duty over a 30-year career, are considered Sea-Intensive. T+X ratings (reference note J below) that are assigned the maximum sea tour lengths following the first sea tour are also considered Sea-Intensive. Maximum assigned sea tour lengths for these communities will not exceed 60 months for Sailors with less than 20 years of service (YoS) and 48 months for Sailors with more than 20 YoS. Shore tour lengths between sea tours will be set to 36 months. Manning conditions at sea may require sea tour extensions or shore tour curtailments to ensure all sea duty billets are properly filled. Sailors in Sea-Intensive communities are also subject to the +/- six month detailing window per Reference (F); however, voluntary extension of sea duty or curtailment of shore duty remains the preferred method to ensure proper sea duty manning. Sailors are advised to contact their community manager or detailer for information on or availability of incentives such as Sea Duty Incentive Pay or Voluntary Sea Duty Program for volunteering to serve additional time on sea duty.
B INUS/OUTUS Community Legalmen (LN) have a limited number of sea duty (type 2 and 4) billets available for assignment. Tour assignments for the LN community will be based on an INUS/OUTUS rotation vice a Sea/Shore rotation. All sea duty (i.e., types 2 and 4) and shore duty outside the United States (i.e., types 3 and 6) are considered OUTUS (or sea) duty for rotational purposes. Shore duty inside the United States (i.e., type 1) is considered INUS (or shore) duty for rotational purposes.
C Shore-Intensive Community Sailors in Shore-Intensive communities do not have career paths defined by SSF and can expect to spend more than half their career on shore duty assignments. Sailors are encouraged to contact their community manager or detailer for specific career path information.
  1. ACs shore tour lengths at particular shore activity are dependent upon the tower classification and the time frame required to become qualified for tower operations. Sailors in the AC community can expect to serve more than half their careers in operational support tours ashore. Every effort will be made to ensure Sailors are afforded equitable opportunities to serve at sea to enhance career progression. Sailors are encouraged to contact their community manager or detailers for additional career path information.
  2. MUs will be assigned to one of the various Navy bands throughout their career. Assignment by fit of skill and/or Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) predominates and minimum tour lengths apply. MUs can expect at least one tour assignment to an OUTUS band during their career and are required to maintain world-wide assignability. Though classified type 1 shore duty, all INUS bands are subject to frequent and extensive temporary assigned duty within their area of responsibility (AOR), and are considered deployable units. OUTUS bands are subject to shipboard and ground-based deployment within their AOR and require operational duty screening. MUs are encouraged to contact their community manager or detailer for additional career path information.
D Mid-Career Transition Community Sailors in mid-career transition communities will have completed at least one sea tour while in their initial community. Prior to applying for transition, Sailors should fully understand career path information, including possible sea tour lengths.
  1. Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) Operators transition to the LCAC community after completing at least two sea tours in their initial community. LCAC operators can expect sea tour lengths of 60 months after transitioning to the LCAC community. Due to the limited availability of LCAC operator shore duty billets, Sailors in the LCAC community may be assigned to their initial community for shore duty.
  2. NC - Navy Career Counselors transition to the NC community after completing at least one sea tour in their initial community. Sailors can expect sea tour lengths of up to 48 months. The length of the first sea tour as an NC will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending upon the individual's sea tour experience and transition timing.
  3. NCCR - Navy Career Counselors, Career Recruiters have no sea duty billets and will be assigned as required.
  4. CMD - Command Master Chiefs and Command Senior Chiefs have a unique career path and will be detailed to leadership milestone billets as appropriate.
E Naval Special Warfare Community The Naval Special Warfare (NSW) community is a sea-intensive community. Due to the unique nature of the special warfare mission, Sailors in the elite communities of Special Warfare Operator (SO) and Special Warfare Combatant Crewman (SB) should expect to serve back-to-back sea tours prior to assignment ashore. Sailors in these communities can expect their initial back-to-back sea tours to be within the same geographic location, contingent upon the needs of the Navy and NSW.
F Medical Community SSF enlisted career paths for the HM community are dependent upon the Sailor's specific NEC or specialty. HMs can expect 36-month sea tours followed by 36-month shore tours except for those with NECs that are shore-intensive. Those with operational intensive NECs can expect longer sea tour lengths. HMs are encouraged to contact their community manager or detailer for additional career path information. For specific community management information visit:
G Nuclear Power Community Nuclear power trained Sailors should refer to Reference (C) and Reference (D) for SSF enlisted career path information.
H Cryptologic Community Due to the unique nature and specific skill sets required by Sailors in the Cryptologic Technician (CT) ratings, tour assignments will be guided by tour lengths listed in paragraph 6 above but may be driven by billet and relief availability to ensure critical CT capabilities remain properly manned. Due to the unique characteristics of the Cryptologic community, Sailors in the CT communities are encouraged to contact their Community Manager or Detailers for additional career path information. Rotations for specific CT ratings are listed below:
  1. CTIs will be detailed according to billet and relief availability. CTIs are assigned according to the varying demand for the unique linguistic skills they possess.
  2. CTMs will be detailed according to billet and relief availability. Most permanent change of station (PCS) afloat tours will be 48 months for skill C28A. CTM C27A (sub duty) requires 60-month sea duty obligation following initial skills training. CTM E7 and above may have multiple back to back shore rotations.
  3. CTNs will be detailed according to relief availability. CTNs are assigned according to the varying demand for the unique cyber skills they possess. CTNs can expect at least one tour assignment to an OUTUS duty during their career and are required to maintain world-wide assignability. All rotations will normally be 48 months in length unless otherwise mandated by DoD Tour Length requirements. CTNs are encouraged to contact their community manager or detailer for additional career path information.
  4. CTRs will be changing from INUS/OUTUS to a more traditional Sea Shore Flow (SSF). All Sea Duty tours will now be 36 months with the exception of Sailors in the Paygrade E7 (CTRC). All E7(CTRC)will execute 48 months on Sea Duty. CTRs in paygrade E8/E9 (CTRCS/CTRCM) will not follow SSF due to limited Sea Duty coded billets. Shore Tour 1 will be 36 months, Shore Tours 2 and 3 will be 48 months for all paygrades. CTRs are assigned according to the varying demand of the unique technical skills they possess. Due to the nature of CTR skill C19A, Sailors are assigned based entirely upon billet availability and not Sea Shore flow. Hawaii shore billets will now be considered CONUS TYPE 1 (shore). Shore duty in Japan, England, Canada, Italy, Korea, Australia will now be considered OCONUS Type 6 (shore). DoD tours remain unchanged and are not superseded by this update. The SSF assignment will be followed when available billets can support; however, based on emerging needs and NEC requirements, this flow can be interrupted while still maintaining career progression.
  5. CTT AEF (6 year) Sailors first sea tour will be 48 months due to length of initial training; all subsequent sea tours will be 36 months.
I Seabee Community Basic Underwater Construction Technician, NEC 5932, initial sea tour in the underwater construction teams will be 60 months regardless of previous accumulated sea duty. Advanced Underwater Construction Technician, NEC 5931, subsequent sea/shore tour lengths will be 36/36 months. Master Underwater Construction Technician, NEC 5933, sea/shore tour lengths will be 36/36 months. Mobile Utilities Support Equipment Technician, NEC 5633, initial sea tour will be 36 months regardless of previous accumulated sea duty. Subsequent sea/shore tour lengths will be 36/36 months.
J T+X Rating The T+X accession program increases the enlistment length for designated program ratings from four to five years, and sets a Sailor’s prescribed sea tour (PST) and PRD to align with Enlisted Obligation Active Service (EAOS), as follows:
  1. The first nineteen T+X ratings joined the program between FY11 and FY17. Effective on release of this NAVADMIN, the PST and PRD for the initial sea tour for these ratings will be set to equal the individual Sailor’s EAOS; this PST/PRD will supersede the length of time for the first sea tour shown above except as discussed in paragraph (4) below. STGs with a 6YO enlistment are not part of T+X and will be assigned the first sea tour length shown above for their rating.
  2. The next six T+X ratings (AM, DC, EN, GM, HT, MM) were added to the program in FY18; effective on release of this NAVADMIN, the PST and PRD for the initial sea tour for these ratings will be set to equal the individual Sailor’s EAOS; this PST/PRD will supersede the length of time for the first sea tour shown above except as discussed in paragraph (4) below.
  3. The next three T+X ratings (AE, AT, AZ) were added to the program in FY19; Sailors in these three ratings who shipped to RTC beginning in October 2018 will have their initial sea tour set to equal the individual Sailor’s EAOS; this PST/PRD will supersede the length of time for the first sea tour shown above except as discussed in paragraph (4) below.
  4. In cases where a Sailor’s PST and EAOS alignment is more than 3 months different than the first sea tour length shown above, the PST will be adjusted to equal the first sea tour length shown above. Examples of when this may be the case include LIMDU and pregnancy, initial assignment ashore, reclassification or significant delay in completing initial training pipeline, PCU, or an initial enlistment of less than 5 years such as a PACT.
K Other Ratings The following ratings have additional Sea Shore Flow Career Path changes as follows:
  1. Master-at-Arms (MA) will be converting from an INUS/OUTUS rotation construct to Sea/Shore flow. MA is a Shore-Centric rating; true Sea hore Flow (SSF) should not be expected in career development. Shore-Centric ratings can expect to spend more than half their career on shore duty assignments. MAs may be required to serve back-to-back shore tours if no sea duty billets are available. Typical rotation pattern can consist of a sea tour (type 2, 3 or 4) followed by a shore tour (type 1 or 6) and then another shore tour (type 1 or 6) if sea duty is not available. All MA Sailors that negotiated for orders prior to release of this NAVADMIN will be authorized a tour based on INUS/OUTUS rotation. All MA Sailors that negotiate for orders after release of this NAVADMIN will have their PRD set IAW SSF or DoD requirements. The type of duty assigned will depend on the number of sea and shore duty billets available when eligible for orders. MAs that complete a full tour at a Strategic Weapons Facility (SWFLNT or SWFPAC) will be granted sea duty credit for SSF purposes only and will be eligible for shore duty assignment upon completion. MAs may be required to complete a dependent restricted sea tour assignment type 3 or type 4 during their first or second sea tour rotation. Additionally, senior MAs may be required to complete a second dependent restricted sea tour assignment during their third sea tour rotation. Sailors are encouraged to contact their community manager or detailer for additional career path information.
  2. RPs will be converting from an INUS/OUTUS rotation construct to Sea/Shore flow. Sea duty credit will be granted for type 2, 3, or 4 duty assignments. Type 6 will be considered sea duty until the member executes PCS orders. RPs currently on type 6 duty will rotate to type 1 duty upon completion. Any subsequent type 6 duty assignment will be considered shore duty for the RP rating.
  3. MT supervisors (E7 and above) can expect 30 month sea and shore duty tours within the same fleet concentration area after completing their second shore tour. This is designed to improve geographic stability and enhance career opportunities for senior MTs. MTs that execute a funded PCS move can expect a 36-month tour following the funded PCS move.
  4. PR - Aircrew Survival Equipmentmen (PR) have very few E8 and E9 sea duty billets. As a result, E8 and E9 PRs do not follow SSF career paths and will be assigned to sea duty as needed or available.