Sea Shore Flow

September 2019 update

Sea Shore Flow (SSF) policy establishes sea duty and shore duty tour lengths for Sailors in each Rating that follows Sea Shore Flow. The demand for Sailors in a given Rating at sea and ashore (that is, the number of sea duty billets versus shore duty billets) drives the tour lengths determination. Ratings with many sea duty billets and few shore duty billets will tend to have longer sea tours and vice versa. However, Navy policy sets limits on the amount of time any Sailor may involuntarily spend on a single sea tour. Sailors that volunteer for additional sea duty, beyond that prescribed below, may be eligible for incentives such as Sea Duty Incentive Pay (SDIP).

The Navy Sea Shore Flow policy as of September 2019 is shown in the table below. Tour lengths (shown in months) apply to all enlisted Sailors in Ratings that follow Sea Shore Flow.

Important Nuclear-trained Sailors should refer to NAVADMIN 284/15 (unofficial reference) and NAVADMIN 157/19 (unofficial reference) for tour length information. Sailors in Ratings that don't follow Sea Shore Flow should refer to any applicable notes in the details below or contact their community manager or detailer for career information.

Rating Sea 1 Shore 1 Sea 2 Shore 2 Sea 3 Shore 3 Sea 4 Shore 4 Sea/Shore Notes
ABE 56 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
ABF 56 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
ABH 56 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
AD 48 36 48 36 48 36 36 36 36/36
AE 54 36 54 36 36 36 36 36 36/36 See Note J
AG 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
AM 54 36 48 36 42 36 36 36 36/36 See Note J
AME 54 36 54 36 36 36 36 36 36/36 See Note J
AO 55 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
AS 36 36 48 36 36 48 36 36 36/36
AT 50 36 48 36 48 36 36 36 36/36
AWF 54 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
AWO 48 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
AWR 48 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
AWS 51 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
AWV 54 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
AZ 55 36 48 36 42 36 36 36 36/36 See Note J
BM 56 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
BU 54 36 54 36 42 36 36 36 36/36 See Note I
CE 52 42 36 42 36 42 36 36 36/36 See Note I
CM 60 36 60 36 42 36 42 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note I
CS 55 36 54 36 48 36 36 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
CSS 51 36 54 36 48 36 36 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
CTM 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36 See Note H
CTR 36 36 36 48 36 48 36 36 36/36 See Note H
CTT 42 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36 See Note H
CTT(AEF) 48 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36 See Note H
DC 54 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
EA 36 48 36 48 36 48 36 36 36/36 See Note I
EM 53 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
EN 55 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
EO 52 36 60 36 42 36 36 36 36/36 See Note I
EOD 60 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A
ET 54 36 48 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
ETR 54 36 48 36 42 36 36 36 36/36
ETV 48 36 42 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
FC 51 36 48 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
FCAEGIS 60 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A
FT 54 36 42 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
GM 49 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
GSE 52 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
GSM 54 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
HT 54 36 40 36 36 36 36 36 36/36 See Note J
IC 60 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A
IS 36 36 36 48 36 48 36 48 36/48
IT 48 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
ITS 54 36 48 36 42 36 36 36 36/36
LN 36 48 36 48 36 48 36 36 36/36 See Note B
LS 55 36 48 36 42 36 36 36 36/36 See Note J
LSS 52 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36 See Note J
MA 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36 See Note K
MC 36 48 36 48 36 48 36 36 36/36
MM 54 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
MMA 51 36 54 36 42 36 42 36 36/36 See Note J
MMW 51 36 42 36 36 36 36 36 36/36 See Note J
MN 48 36 48 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
MR 48 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
MT 48 36 42 36 36 36 30 30 30/30 See Note K
NC 0 -- 36 36 42 36 36 36 36/36 See Note D
ND 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
OS 54 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
PR 42 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36 See Note K
PS 48 36 42 36 42 36 36 36 36/36
QM 54 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
RP 36 48 36 48 36 48 36 36 36/36 See Note K
SB 60 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note E
SH 55 36 54 36 48 36 36 36 36/36 See Note J
SO 60 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note E
STG 45 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
STG (6YO) 54 36 60 36 48 36 48 36 36/36 See Note A, See Note J
STS 48 36 48 36 36 36 36 36 36/36
SW 60 36 58 36 42 36 36 36 36/36 See Note I
UT 52 36 42 36 36 36 36 36 36/36 See Note I
YN 36 48 36 54 36 48 36 36 36/36
YNS 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36/36

Nuclear Ratings

Nuclear-trained Sailors follow a unique Sea Shore Flow policy established in NAVADMIN 284/15 (unofficial reference) and updated in NAVADMIN 157/19 (unofficial reference). .

These NAVADMINs apply to these ratings:

  • EMN(SS)
  • EMN(SW)
  • ETN(SS)
  • ETN(SW)
  • MMN(SS)
  • MMN(SW)

Ratings that do not follow Sea Shore Flow

By the nature of their duties and billet structure, some Ratings do not follow Sea Shore Flow. Sailors in these Ratings should refer to the notes below (if applicable) and contact their community manager or detailer for additional career information.